Inspire Service Engineers to fully realise the importance of their contribution to the business and develop their potential as key company ambassadors

Virtual 4-hour in-company workshop

Man taking part in virtual training via zoom

Course Content

  • The developing role of the modern Service Engineer
  • Understand your role in promoting the success and growth of the business
  • Contributing to greater company success through even greater customer service
  • Understand the importance of customer loyalty as a way of building on the company’s reputation and giving the business a competitive edge
  • Understand the 4 different behavioural styles of people and how to use this knowledge in customer service and office situations
  • Have developed key communication skills which will assist in dealing with a broad range of customers and colleagues
  • Know what assertiveness is and is not and how to use assertiveness with customers and colleagues
  • Handle potentially difficult situations and people with even greater confidence to ensure successful outcomes every time
  • Appreciate that team working is more effective than working on your own or as a group
  • Manage their time more efficiently and to be able to establish good time principles

Course Overview

This course is designed to inspire Service Engineers to fully realise the importance of their contribution to the business.  It will give them a stronger sense of purpose and encourage them to see themselves, directly and indirectly, as a key player in the business success of their Company.  It will further develop their customer service and interpersonal skills and develop their potential as key company ambassadors for the business.

The course will increase their role understanding and skill levels, moving them closer to being assertive in all aspects of their work life.  It will help them improve their relationships with external customers, internal customers, peers, their manager, and senior managers by increasing their knowledge and skills on how to be even more professional Service Engineers.

Ahead of the workshop, delegates will complete an online Assertiveness Profile which will be linked to and used on the workshop.

The workshop will be both practical and interactive in content and style and tailored to your business, culture, and objectives.

For further details please contact us by email or call us on 01438 718071

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